Can Someone Run for President Again

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A very sad day for America and the world. The last matter it needs is an America devoid of democracy, run by an autocrat, ignoring the crimes of his buddies Jinping, Vlad and Kim, allowing them to run riot over the earth.

The Americans face their own fight for freedom in 2024 and I wish them the best.

I hope Trump is imprisoned for his crimes earlier then, and precluding him from running for President again.

The turmoil in the world is getting worse not better.

23 ( +42 / -nineteen )


Not bad to acknowledge Zelenskyy'south braveness. Unfortunately, that is all Trump can provide to Ukraine right now--words.

Looking forrard to the world having four more than years of safe when Trump sits in the White Business firm side by side time.

-twenty ( +17 / -37 )


Lets promise he doesn't get President again equally the world is still paying for the terrible job he did the last fourth dimension.

eighteen ( +37 / -19 )


Trumps continuous love for Putin speaks for itself! Makes yous wonder if he is an asset planted by the Russians to suspension republic in America ( and this seems to be succeeding gradually). This corrupt, lying, traitor and failed coup instigator equally well equally a thief ( stole and destroyed classified Regime documents ) should exist in prison house already! LOCK HIM UP! Simply he gets a free pass as he is a dictator for the Republicans Political party!

12 ( +29 / -17 )


Of course he's smart," Trump said, doubling down on praise of the Russian leader

WTF is Trump talking near here.

Does he back up what the murderer Putin is doing?

and called the country'due south president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a "dauntless man,"

That is 100% true!

Merely as well the Ukranian army and fighters!

And I actually hope they will blast the murderer Putin'due south ground forces, and the murderer Putin and all his supporter, (probably including Trump), will pay the highest price for what they are doing.

five ( +20 / -15 )


Garbage article.


sidestepped a question about whether he would challenge Trump in a 2024 prospective matchup.

"I've said I'm not planning to run for president," Hawley said."

information technology says he sidestepped the question and literally the adjacent sentence? his directly answer.

-iv ( +16 / -xx )


"Of course he's smart," Trump said, doubling down on praise of the Russian leader that many other Republicans accept avoided in the wake of the invasion. "But the real problem is our leaders are dumb. Dumb. So dumb."

eliminate all the article commentary entered in the centre of what he said and what do y'all accept?

"Of course he's smart, "But the real trouble is our leaders are dumb. Impaired. And so dumb."

Suddenly- an accurate, factual and articulate argument of truth, not praise.

-17 ( +eleven / -28 )


Instead, those virtually likely non to seek the GOP's 2024 presidential nomination stood united backside an agenda that includes more than parental control of schools, opposition to pandemic-related mandates and a fierce rejection of "woke" culture.

CPAC and the Trump speech just highlighted how small-minded and weak the Republican calendar is. Disagree with them and they did not alive upwards to the ideals, but the Republicans used to evangelize for bringing democracy to the world and a more prosperous country.

Now information technology is just supporting the ambitions of dictators, lazy crony commercialism, and manufacturing outrage confronting a more progressive and inclusive lodge.

Very distressing to borrow a Trumpian expression.

3 ( +11 / -8 )


"Simply the real trouble is our leaders are impaired. Impaired. And then dumb."

Impaired enough to propose nuking hurricanes or necking bleach? Or Dumb enough to go lose an election to a homo who didn't even take to try?

xvi ( +23 / -vii )


TRUMP volition be back!!

-31 ( +6 / -37 )


Like a bad Television set rerun. Wish we could just turn it off.

20 ( +26 / -6 )


What I want to write here would go censored.

eleven ( +17 / -6 )


Looking at trump as Putin's Manchurian candidate, trump'southward deportment and words make sense. Trump is compromised and muddy.

eleven ( +18 / -seven )


The odd affair is that liberals want to play the "old favorites". Simply the bodily issue is twofold and neither virtually Trump.

Ane- is Putin smart? Yep he is. None less than Obama complimented him as being so. Even street smart equally equally further compliment.

Two- is Putin smarter than our leaders Trump refers to? Also yes. as Biden shared classified intel about troop movements with China thinking they wouldn't immediately requite it to Russia instead. Super impaired.

Nancy pelosi, despite her son take concern deals in Ukraine, was calling it Hungary until a couple days ago. Also super dumb.

-14 ( +10 / -24 )


TRUMP volition be back!! courtroom.

20 ( +26 / -6 )


"Of course he'south smart," Trump said, doubling downward on praise of the Russian leader that many other Republicans have avoided in the wake of the invasion. "But the real problem is our leaders are impaired. Dumb. So impaired."

Once again, Trump is 100% correct. Putin is more well-read and intelligent than Biden and Trudeau combined and multiplied by 10.

That does not alter because one done does not similar him! Agreeing or disagreeing with someone is a different question. One should ever be realistic about opponents.

Of grade, I disagree with Trumps anti-Russian opinion, every bit shown by his opposition to NordStream and his delivery of lethal aid to the Ukraine. The Russia outcome is one where Trump sadly bought into the swamp narrative.

-8 ( +x / -eighteen )


Non to worry. If Trump'southward words don't become plenty support, he will consequence a statement that he didn't actually say what he said, and other Republicans will chime in, agreeing that they never heard those words. So everyone will exist happy once more.

5 ( +12 / -7 )


If Trump was smart he would go along his oral cavity shut, tight. So similar the main spokesman for the GOP is bankroll Putin.

9 ( +sixteen / -7 )


was calling it Hungary until a couple days agone. Too super dumb.

Information technology was sarcasm. Or trolling the right. Those excuses are nevertheless valid, correct?

0 ( +six / -half-dozen )



Looking at trump as Putin'due south Manchurian candidate, trump's actions and words make sense. Trump is compromised and dirty.

I proceed hearing knee-jerk comments like this. On what are they based, other than bullheaded dislike of Trump equally a person? Fact is, Trump was extremely harsh on Russia, from expanding sanctions to trying to stop NordStream to delivery (as a first) lethal assistance to the Ukraine. That is the Reverse of what 1 would wait from "Putin's Manchurian candidate". Only never permit facts go in the way of a proficient stereotype, maybe?

-13 ( +6 / -19 )


If the choice in the next Usa presidential ballot is either Trump or DeSantis or Pompeo or Cruz for the Republicans, and whoever replaces Joe Biden (who is obviously too old for a second term) for the Dems, then unless there'southward a Democrat saviour out in that location somewhere not only the U.s. just besides the western globe are admittedly screwed.

3 ( +7 / -4 )


Putin as miscalculated his own people. Hundreds of thousands of protesters. More than 800,0000 Russians have signed a petition opposing the war.

xi ( +15 / -iv )

El Rata

Even though I've never lived in America nor I feel similar one, I posses American citizenship through one of my parents and if Trump or De Santis run, oh yep, I'll be registering to vote this time. We need stiff leadership in the world correct now not failed woke experiments!

-12 ( +5 / -17 )


You go the impression that with Trump "smart" equals "good". Similar many others, I think Putin is smart, or at least I did until he made the major miscalculation of invading Ukraine. And similar many others, I have never, ever been fooled into thinking that in Putin's case, "smart" equals "adept".

eleven ( +14 / -3 )


 As Russian troops advanced on the Ukrainian capital letter in an invasion widely condemned by Western leaders, Trump described Russian President Vladimir Putin as "smart."

I'm non so certain near that - while Trump has to call his "loan company" smart, 1 would think Putin wouldn't be dumb plenty to loan Trump coin...

"Of course he'due south smart," Trump said, doubling downward on praise of the Russian leader that many other Republicans have avoided in the wake of the invasion. "Just the real problem is our leaders are dumb. Impaired. So impaired."

Praise the enemy - as they're butchering innocent women and children, and backstab your ain government...thy name is Traitor Trump.... I'm certain that will exist circulate on all the Russian channels tonight...

Trump then left no doubt he is the nigh powerful voice in Republican politics by indicating he volition run for president a tertiary time in 2024. "We did it twice, and we'll exercise it over again," Trump said. "We're going to be doing it again, a third time."

I assume he'south talking abut impeachment....but actually, are the MAGA-true-blue going to fall for this? It's articulate he'southward once again fleecing the flock - he won't run again and risk losing once more...this is all about the money, which he'll scam his supporters past saying he's going to run, and so back out a couple months beforehand.

The guy is under four separate criminal investigations - and I don't meet the Rikers Island warden allowing him to campaign from his jail cell...

8 ( +12 / -4 )


Similar him or not Trump has been right bulk of the time and the U.s. economy was way better under Trump that Biden. Biden's policies have been horrible for the United states economic system and also treatment of everything else.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )


Information technology was sarcasm. Or trolling the right. Those excuses are yet valid, right?

No It was literal stupidity every bit she droned on excitedly talking about "Hungary" being surrounded on 3 sides.

Aww, how come up Democrats don't get to invoke the 'sarcasm' excuse for their stupid verbal gaffs? Yous seemed quite happy to alibi Trump'southward infantile droolings for iv years, and so when did they start to bother you? Was information technology right after he was dumped out of function?

eight ( +11 / -3 )


Trump and Putin,both megalomaniac men with ane divergence.

Putin is also a mass murderer.

0 ( +7 / -7 )


Of course he's smart," Trump said, doubling down on praise of the Russian leader that many other Republicans take avoided in the wake of the invasion. "Merely the real problem is our leaders are dumb. Impaired. So dumb."

Thousands of Russian soldiers dead, the economy in tatters, Russia being ostracized internationally, of grade he is smart to trump, the dumbest political leader in contempo history!!!

11 ( +16 / -5 )


trump running against pence and desantis will exist fun, dumb, dumber and dumbest!!!

4 ( +12 / -eight )


It would exist a small expenditure for Russia with smart genius Putin to ship entrada contributions and a few thousand more than Cyberspace writers in back up of Trump. They could command the United states without firing a shot.

4 ( +eight / -4 )


Trump is no different from those lunatics who attacked the Upper-case letter concluding twelvemonth, of form Trump asked them to attack America and Democracy. Now he praises the enemy of the USA equally being smart. If he were alive in the late 1930s he would have praised Hitler for being smart too for invading Poland.

Trump is exactly what the train wreck Republican Party deserves, a shallow, craven, greedy, immoral idiot. When he loses in 2024 his followers tin can all move to Russia and join Putin in that disaster of a state, exactly what Trump wants to plough the USA into also. Information technology is sad to see so many people so deluded and frankly masochistic.

seven ( +xiii / -6 )


Nearly the time people similar you tried to say with a direct face that yous honestly believed Trump meant to say "airport" when talking about something in 1776?

I get it, nosotros all do; when Trump puts his human foot in his mouth, he didn't mean it (or was trolling, sarcasm etc). When a Democrat does it, it'due south deliberate and impaired.

'People like me' still take a difficult time figuring out hyper-partisan logic, so you'll excuse my confusion on the matter.

Maybe Trump intended to refer to 'spaceports' instead of 'airports'.

2 ( +7 / -5 )


I tin can hear the call at present....

"Mike? Mike Pence? It's me, The Great Ane...interested in beingness my VP again? Why don't you come on downward to Mar-A-Lago and we can talk.... What? No, no, there are no MAGA-terrorists here with any nooses"...

two ( +8 / -half-dozen )


Trump'due south gangster MO has always been to exit no paper trail of his shady activities, merely the American public needs to know, if only in general outline, the content of the interpreter's notes from his talk with Putin in Helsinki when Putin'south smirk and Trump'southward deflated visage conspicuously showed who endemic who. If the notes take been flushed down the toilet, the interpreter should exist sat down and made to spill the beans to the CIA and Biden should weaponize these findings to prove (I'm sure) how Trump let his country down and sold America'south interests out to the Russkies.

9 ( +15 / -6 )


Big surprise. Simply what was information technology some Trump supporters on here said? "NO 1 supports Putin on this", before being utterly embarrassed by the human being whose boots they lick willingly. They say they support democracy, but like their idol, they support autocracy and authoritarianism. Period.

7 ( +13 / -6 )


The GOP need to get away from this mentally unfit person as soon as possible. They do not demand him nor his deranged supporters to become back in the game. The sooner Republicans understand and confront this reality the sooner the GOP will have whatever time to come.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

Bob Fosse

Zippo to stop him running. I really hope he does. He won't win and the comedy will menstruation like wine.

-4 ( +half dozen / -10 )


Once a traitor, always a traitor. Trump is partly to blame for this mess because of his quid pro quo foreign policy on Ukraine. Thank goodness this lying, self centered goofball is finally off the stage.

xi ( +16 / -v )


Save America hats now... exercise these unfortunates realise they're being fleeced for merch?

Leave through the gift store.

iv ( +8 / -4 )

Kobe White Bar Possessor

Surely after such disgusting comments at such a time his followers must start to question the homo'southward sanity and morality or the lack there of. Oh no I forgot they believe he won the election also and that he gives a monkey'southward about them later on they vote him in. Circling the bowl!

7 ( +11 / -4 )


How can any American republican even think well-nigh giving Putin one oz of whatever support? They should exist trigger-happy into him They are a disgrace to themselves and their country.

nine ( +14 / -5 )

Mr. Noidall

Well, I guess we know what Steve Peoples thinks of president Trump.

-ix ( +1 / -ten )

Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne

Best to ignore trump as much as possible !

His tenacity at being the supreme obnoxious leader has gotten as well sour to be of whatsoever real utilize to anybody .

iii ( +nine / -6 )


Trump considers himself the Supreme Leader.

4 ( +x / -6 )



Save America from Trump.

five ( +12 / -vii )

Mr. Noidall

I really hope he does. He won't win and the one-act will period like wine.

Remember back in something like 2015 when all of the celebrities, television receiver pundits and talking heads; all of the tardily-nite tv bear witness hosts; all of the institution politicians; the then current president; and all of Hollywood laughed and mocked Trump? Recollect when John Oliver snidely said, Do it! That he'd personally pledge x grand to Trump if he did? And then in 2016 all of those people'due south worlds came crashing down and they went insane? I wonder if Oliver always did keep his discussion and donate to Trump's campaign.

-eight ( +4 / -12 )


"We did information technology twice, and we'll do information technology again," Trump said.

No you lot didn't, you lot did it in one case, the second time was in your head

8 ( +13 / -5 )


The GOP demand to get away from this mentally unfit person as soon as possible. They do not need him nor his deranged supporters to get back in the game. The sooner Republicans sympathise and face this reality the sooner the GOP volition take any future.

Overnice to pretend in that location is a route dorsum but Trump is the symptom of a dysfunctional party and non the crusade. The Republican Party went off the rails in the 80s nether Reagan when he sold out the political party to Falwell and the religious correct. Once organized religion and politics were merged the party became unhinged from reality. Whoever follows Trump will exist similar or probably worse, for example an outright racist and conman type as Trump is and volition always be. If you do non go this sign upward for Trump Academy.

4 ( +eleven / -7 )


Even a large portion of Q followers at present admit that they were deceived. All that is left is conspiricy theorists and boomers who are dying out solar day by twenty-four hours , most taken by a virus that they said did not exist. Trump is yesterdays news.

5 ( +x / -5 )


Donald Trump must support the Joe Biden'south government. unequivocally.

This is not the time, with women and children cowering nether-ground to politically points score.

There are tens of thousands of lives at risk

five ( +10 / -5 )


Weakness isn't a good face. Don't call back that it's a coincidence that these rogue rulers are acting upward. Many people in the U.S. are starting to wonder if they could have handled the mean tweets, incessant praising of his accomplishments, sometimes saying things he probably shouldn't have, but overall he was right on so many issues. I'd prefer that someone else run, as long as they have common sense on what's proficient for the bulk of Americans who value their freedom and what the constitution stands for. The mid term elections are going to be bad for the blue.

-5 ( +3 / -eight )


Seems somewhat 'saft' to even introduce such tired acronyms. Peradventure Americans could all simply 'exercise better' ?

-three ( +2 / -5 )

Mr. Noidall

Once more Trump demonstrating his strategic prowess, by taking a realistic assessment of the enemy; on the other hand, the anti-trump oversupply demonstrates it'due south ignorance and lack of understanding the English linguistic communication: since when does "he's smart" equal "I support him" ? Can y'all imagine if generals planned their war strategy effectually their personal feelings for the enemy? Realizing and admitting you lot're enemy'south strengths does not mean yous support your enemy. Information technology means you yourself are smart and will minimize the impairment on your ain side should the time come. Russian federation is a serious earth superpower. They have nukes and satellites and astronauts in the cosmos. You don't become the dictator of that by existence dumb. The left is always manipulating and he meanings of words and phrases to suit their agenda. That's what dictators do. The left accept more in common with Putin than Trump does. Information technology was smart of Trump to stand back and make an objective assessment of Putin. It was dumb of the left to manipulate that into Trump is supporting Putin. The left are like kids at the park where they I don't like him, then he'south dumb.

-13 ( +iv / -17 )

Matt Hartwell

I really dont retrieve Mitch McConnell will permit Trump to run over again. I call back the onetime GOP establishment knows its far too high risk.

DeSantis is a shoe in for the Republican nomination if he wants it. And a halfway lucid DeSantis against sometime Joe is a real big trouble for the Dems. If Kamela is nonetheless running as VP, there likely finished.

If the Dems are smart, theyll put forward an entirely new team.

2024 is a long way off and so much tin can go very desperately or really well for both sides. Trump, with all his legal problems, may very well exist a non starter by then.

-5 ( +2 / -vii )


zichi: "How tin can any American republican even recollect about giving Putin one oz of any support?"

The bulk of them are simply uneducated, and that shows conspicuously through their stupidity. Every bit for the ones who SHOULD know better but nevertheless bow down to Trump and therefore Putin and his actions in Ukraine, well, they are non only traitors to their nation and their young man Americans and families, the as well know deep down and are so utterly low that they couldn't mayhap admit it and have to quintuple downward.

It's similar I said above, one poster on hither said "No 1 in the GOP supports what Putin is doing," and then when information technology was pointed out how Trump is calling him genius and praising him, the person did so many 180°s he drilled his ain personal hole in the ground to hide in from the effort. And so he stopped commenting when he realized he simply could not defend himself or his support of what's going on.

six ( +10 / -4 )


Mayhap, if trump did not withhold 400 million dollars in military aid from Ukraine in attempt to blackmail the Ukraine president for assist in rigging a second election, Ukrainians would be able to improve defend themselves from the Russians.

*Trump, who was impeached for withholding nearly $400 million in armed forces aid from Ukraine, said 'this deadly Ukraine situation would never accept happened' if he were in office**

Why do the Republicans and its "independent" supporters detest democracy so much?

7 ( +12 / -five )


Trump then left no doubt he is the most powerful voice in Republican politics by indicating he volition run for president a third fourth dimension in 2024. "We did information technology twice, and we'll do it again," Trump said. "We're going to exist doing it over again, a third fourth dimension."

No better news for the Dems....

A Nikki Haley/Tim Scott ticket would take been real tough to beat.....

And with Russian federation's invasion, a Mitt Romney/Liz Cheney ticket would resonate with Independents...

But Trump? That's a guaranteed Dem lock. We're just learning how he attempted a coup with his scheme of fraudulent electors and fake ballot lists. And the Georgia AG has a criminal investigation ongoing on his phone call to "find 10K votes". And he'll be under indictment before long for the all the taxation and insurance fraud - and no doubt will end upward "pleading the 5th" 500 times like Eric and Weisselberg...

The only sure thing is he'll driblet out later fleecing his supporters out of even more of their coin...

Trump supporters, don't be MAGA-scammed...again...

1 ( +3 / -ii )


A Nikki Haley/Tim Scott ticket

Why, because it's a minority female person and a Black guy? why does the Blackness guy take to be VP?

Whatsoever Dems crossing over to voting for them if they are the ticket?

-10 ( +1 / -11 )


The Ukranians certainly wish Trump were however the president of the United states.

Afterwards the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, and the impotent response to Russia invading Ukraine, even Democrats in the United states have become repulsed past this current administration.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

Bob Fosse

Remember back in something like 2015 when all of the celebrities, tv pundits and talking heads; all of the late-nite tv show hosts; all of the establishment politicians; the then current president; and all of Hollywood laughed and mocked Trump?

Who could forget? The mocking didn't finish, yous know, it got worse.

2022 and still laughing. Keep information technology comin'

3 ( +6 / -3 )


The hole-and-corner behind the republican back up of Putin and the invasion is like almost of what explains the Republican Party, racism. David Duke himself said Russia is the white mans savior.

"Based on quotations from white nationalists and racists like Matthew Heimbach and Pat Buchanan," Stroop added, "I'd say they've certainly looked to Putin every bit the savior of Christian civilization."

Russian is a white theocracy nation that is anti-gay and anti-abortion which is what Trump and his KKK friends want the USA to become. That is the main message of MAGA.

vii ( +10 / -3 )


So if Hand Romney is now right about Russia and should exist the nominee to lose a winnable election (once again) …….,who was wrong when they ridiculed him falsely to win?

and so it's Romney/Cheney simply somehow Haley/Scott. So the white guy can exist President when a woman is there but the Blackness guy can't?

libs sure love their identity politics. Even when trying to choice nominees for the other side.

-4 ( +iii / -7 )

Open Minded

Since when can a swell be considered equally smart?

6 ( +ix / -3 )

Open Minded

Vicious seems much more advisable.

iv ( +half dozen / -2 )


Of course he's smart," Trump said, doubling down on praise of the Russian leader

WTF is Trump talking about here.

What he is saying is that in that location are no western leaders who are smarter than Putin..and he is right..he is not praising merely stating a difficult fact..

-4 ( +iii / -7 )


Donald Trump failure to comprehend the current situation is his lack of political diplomatic experience lacking in office.

Putin's brutal attack isn't focused at Ukraine. It is aimed at Europe as a whole

two ( +4 / -2 )


Of course he'southward smart," Trump said, doubling downwardly on praise of the Russian leader

WTF is Trump talking about here.

What he is saying is that there are no western leaders who are smarter than Putin..and he is right..he is not praising only stating a hard fact..

Simply one problem with your so-called "fact"....Putin loaned Trump money....

No one loans Trump money given his defalcation record and well know reputation for stiffing those he owes...information technology'south similar throwing your money in a trash can...

Can't exist too smart and practise that....let alone start a war that will murder thousands of innocent civilians...

If you call up that's smart, you need to move to Moscow...if you're non already at that place...

4 ( +8 / -four )


Leading Republicans spent much of three days fugitive Donald Trump'south chief grievances or ignoring him altogether every bit they unified behind a midterm bulletin designed to win back the voters the polarizing sometime president alienated while in office.

All BS..Trump's support base of operations is only increasing and increasing...squeamish endeavour though to disconnect Republicans and Trump..

Democrats are clinging to newspaper-thin majorities in the Firm and Senate, and voter sentiment has swung in an ominous direction for them since President Joe Biden took office in Jan 2021.

At present that's a fact..the ground situation is though far worse...

-7 ( +2 / -9 )



The secret behind the republican support of Putin and the invasion is like well-nigh of what explains the Republican Political party, racism.

Err, what? Where do you run across that? I am looking at both the establishment right and left, and I run into universal (and misguided imho) blanket condemnation of Putin.

Do you really bank check what you make claims based on your imagination?

-9 ( +two / -11 )



What he is proverb is that there are no western leaders who are smarter than Putin..and he is right..he is not praising but stating a difficult fact..

Exactly. At that place seems to exist confusion about words and meaning among some opinionators here.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )


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