what is social justice and how does it relate to public health?

doctors showcasing social justice in healthcare

The COVID-19 pandemic, acquired past the spread of the novel coronavirus, has created an unexpected and unprecedented lifestyle shift for many people across the world. Several months into the pandemic, the public has been exposed to a number of issues they might not have previously considered or thought possible, from hospitals rapidly reaching capacity and the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) to the mental and social challenges of physical distancing and being quarantined.

Some other trouble brought to lite during the pandemic is the deep-rooted and unsurprising inequalities inherent in the healthcare organisation. What COVID-19 has confirmed to the world is that human rights exercise not but constitute a political or social issue. This is as well a public health issue—and one for which public health officials and public health systems were disappointingly unprepared.

The Impact of COVID-nineteen on Minorities

According to multiple sources of data generated during the pandemic, black, Latinx, indigenous and immigrant communities across the nation are disproportionately impacted by COVID-xix. This is largely due to structural racism, including the policies and practices that systemically devalue and damage people of color (POC) while benefitting white people. As research shows, oppressive systems, such every bit racism and classism, determine who is able to access the resources critical to their health—known equally social determinants.

According to a study by Leighton Ku and Erin Brantley, the age-adapted COVID-nineteen bloodshed rates are exceedingly higher for blackness and Latinx patients than white patients. Additionally, economical and social disparities have widened in relation to racial/ethnic, educational, and immigration condition.

The U.South. Departments of Illness Control and Prevention (CDC) further written report that long-standing systemic health and social inequities have put some members of racial and ethnic minority groups at increased risk of getting COVID-19 and/or experiencing astringent illness, fifty-fifty death, as a outcome of contracting the affliction. As of June 2020, the highest rates of hospitalization from COVID-19 were experienced by non-Hispanic American Indians/Alaska Natives and not-Hispanic blackness people, followed past Hispanic or Latinx persons. For example, American Indian, Alaska Native, and black individuals were 5 times more likely to experience severe illness and hospitalization than non-Hispanic white people. The hospitalization charge per unit among Hispanic and Latinx persons was approximately iv times that of white individuals.

This is not only a COVID-19 problem, though. Historically, the CDC reports, the astringent disease and death rates during public health emergencies tend to be higher for racial and indigenous minority populations than affluent white populations.

What Social Practices Contribute to Gaps in Health?

The past and current social, political and economic practices that have contributed to creating healthcare gaps for marginalized demographics are numerous and diverse. A few examples include:

  • Redlining, or the practice of denying habitation mortgages to otherwise qualified buyers based solely on their race, which impedes not only habitation ownership but also upward economic mobility in general. Although this practice is now prohibited, the adverse effects of its by use still create challenges for minorities.
  • Gentrification, which is the process of renovating an urban neighborhood or district so it conforms to the taste of the white middle course while displacing POC who accept lived in the expanse for years or even decades.

Other common factors that disproportionately impact minority communities and deter their power to access equitable healthcare include job insecurity, living in densely populated areas, racial housing segregation, exposure to environmental hazards, and not beingness given the same work-related benefits as whites, including health insurance and sick leave.

How Public Health Officials Can Accost Disparities

Although communities are responsible for addressing the systemic racism prevalent inside their jurisdiction, the onus falls primarily on public health officials to develop and implement strategies to change and improve the health sector.

The commencement step is simply acknowledging the vital intersection between social justice, healthcare, and public wellness. Other solutions include:

Better Grooming for Physicians

Physicians and nurses are the link betwixt the public and community members' collective and private health. These healthcare professionals are the people with whom patients primarily have contact, and then it is vital they are provided robust training and cognition of how societal factors, in addition to biological factors, influence wellness. For instance, reliable access to food, transportation, didactics, prophylactic housing, insurance and jobs all impact a person's health, every bit does equal protection nether the law. These are social factors disproportionately endured by racial and social minorities and marginalized communities, which undermines their ability to prioritize and protect their health.

A good identify to start is by making courses on social justice and inequity at medical schools required rather than optional and ensuring they are given the same weight as other areas of study.

Analyzing and Addressing Social Determinants of Health

Physicians, nurses and other employees who piece of work in a clinical setting are non the only ones who need exposure to better grooming that is grounded in critical race theory, forth with an understanding of the various social determinants of health. Individuals who are involved in the theoretical and policy side of health, including public health professionals, need to analyze all factors that affect a person's overall public health. From there, these issues must be taken into consideration when discussing, developing and implementing public health policies and practices and making decisions nearly how and where to direct resource.

Expanding Healthcare Options in Marginalized Communities

With the appropriate disquisitional race lens, public wellness officials can then work toward enhancing admission to healthcare—including testing, treatments, and preventatives measures—for racial and indigenous minorities. As the CDC has demonstrated, this is accomplished most effectively by fostering partnerships between researchers, customs groups, tribal medicine leaders, professional groups, and other community members to ensure of import data about preventing COVID-19 and other public health emergencies is disseminated throughout racial and ethnic minority communities.

Working Among Other Sectors

Since public health intersects with human rights and social justice problems, information technology's important for public health professionals to build connections and collaborate with professionals in other sectors, including education, business, transportation, and housing, also as community and faith-based organizations. Together, these agencies and individuals can share information and develop the best strategies and measures for reducing social and economical barriers to healthcare.

Confronting Pandemics west ith a Social Justice Approach

Whether it exist COVID-xix or a unlike public health crunch in the time to come, a social justice arroyo is necessary for successfully dealing with the problem in a manner that prioritizes and protects individuals of all races, ethnicities, and classes. For individuals who are interested in learning how structural racism engenders health inequity and making a unlike in the public health sector, condign a part of the solution can begin with a Chief of Public Wellness Degree.


  • "Doctors can't care for COVID-19 effectively without recognizing the social justice aspects of health." The Conversation. Accessed online at https://theconversation.com/amp/doctors-cant-treat-covid-nineteen-effectively-without-recognizing-the-social-justice-aspects-of-wellness-138787?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=bylinetwitterbutton&__twitter_impression=true
  • "Widening Social and Health Inequalities During the COVID-19 Pandemic." Leighton Ku, PhD, and Erin Brantley, PhD. Accessed online at https://jamanetwork.com/channels/wellness-forum/fullarticle/2767253
  • "COVID-19 in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups." U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed online at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/demand-actress-precautions/racial-indigenous-minorities.html


Source: https://mphdegree.usc.edu/blog/social-justice-and-public-health-in-2020/

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